Future of Liquidity is Ecosystem-Owned

Mitosis is an Ecosystem-Owned Liquidity (EOL) L1 blockchain that redefines DeFi LP experience. EOL implements economies of scale to asset management and empowers LPs with increased bargaining power.

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Capital Efficiency

Network support


Liquidity will go multi-chain.
Mitosis thinks ahead.

Cross chain evolution image
Cross chain evolution image
Cross chain evolution image
For liquidity providers

Capital Efficiency

Mitosis proposes EOL, a new concept for LP asset management fit for the upcoming multi-chain future. By putting assets into Mitosis Vaults, Mitosis LPs gain multi-chain DeFi exposure for maximum earning potential.

For applications

Network support

Leveraging Hyperlane's permissionless interoperability stack, Mitosis allows its ecosystem apps access to multi-chain liquidity from D-1.

For all users


Multi-chain liquidity protocol's security must scale with TVL. Mitosis' crypto-economic security powered by Ethos AVS allows its TVL to participate in securing the protocol.

Mitosis chain is the protocol's key component that imbues composability to EOL assets.

ecosystem chain images
ecosystem chain images

Ecosystem-Owned Liquidity (EOL)

Assets received from different networks are unified and managed across various yield opportunities in multi-chain DeFi.

Mitosis L1

Applications built on Mitosis L1 compete for EOL liquidity, fostering an efficient market environment with maximized LP earning potential.


Mitosis L1 Ecosystem





Supported Chains



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Let’s collaborate

Crypto is all about building the ecosystem together. We’re all ears for any projects/teams preparing the world for the future.

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the first Ecosystem-
Owned Liquidity protocolto empower

LPs with competitiveness in the highly complex multi-chain DeFi.

✓ Partnership with Hyperlane

Permissionless interoperability meets cross-chain liquidity = scalable, composable liquidity protocol for modular era

✓ CosmWasm Hyperlane Development

For interoperability of future Celestia and Cosmos networks

✦ The Expedition LRT Campaign

Yield from Mitosis Vault strategies and MITO Points added to EigenLayer and LRT points

Incentivized Public Testnet

Various miAsset-based gamified programs to earn the Mitosis governance tokens on mainnet

Mitosis Mainnet

..-. .. ...- . / -.. .. ..-. ..-. . .-. . -. - / .- .--. .--. .-.. .. -.-. .- - .. --- -. ... / .. -. / - .... . / -- .. - --- ... .. ... / -.-. .... .- .. -. / .- .-. . / -.-. ..- .-. .-. . -. - .-.. -.-- / .- .. -- .. -. --. / .-.. .. ...- . / .- - / -.. .- -.-- .----

Added Security from Restaked ETH

Crypto-economics applied to reinforce protocol security (Hyperlane AVS)

Built and supported
by believers of
a modular world